SRSMATHA, Mantralayam
Sri Vijayeendra Teerthara Madhyaradhana concluded with a grand events - Kumbhakonam
In the evening, a Veda Sadassu was held in the divine presence of H.H. Sri Subudhendra Teertha Swamiji and H.H. Sri Vishwavallabha Teertha Swamiji, with a large number of Veda Pandits participating. This was followed by a Tulabhara ceremony for H.H. Sri Vishwavallabha Teertha Swamiji on the same stage. A grand Teppotsava took place at Kashyapa Teertha in Sri Mutt. Later, the Maha Mangalarati was performed to Sri Vijayeendra Teerthara Moola Brundavana, concluding the Madhyaradhana rituals.