2nd Day of Saptaratrotsava - 352nd Aradhana Mahotsava - 30.08.2023
On the 2nd day of Saptaratrotsava, H.H. Sri Swamiji performed Brahmakararchita Moola Ramadevara pooja and performed Maha Mangalarati to Sri Raghavendra Swamigalavara Moola Brundavana. The highlight of the day was the special pushalankara to Sri Rayara Brundavana.In the evening, H.H. Sri Swamiji inaugurated newly constructed "River Corridor" in the evening. Later H.H. Sri Swamiji proceded to Sri Yogeendra Sabhabhavana and inaugurated Postal stamp and cover which holds Sri Raghavendra Swamigalavara picture on it. On this occasion H.H. Sri Swamiji honoured Sri Govinda Hari on the stage. Later "Shakotsva", Anuvada by SGS Vidhyapeetha Students were held in Unjala Mantapa.